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Dallas-Fort Worth is CONTI Capital’s #1 Multifamily Market

Dallas is CONTI Capital’s #1 Market for Multifamily Investment for the first half of 2023. CONTI Capital analyzed 50 major U.S. metros using the CONTI Index, our proprietary data modeling tool that measures more than 400 leading performance indicators. According to our own data analysis, the industry diversity of Dallas’ labor market and the significant proportion of residents that fall within CONTI Capital’s “prime renter” age range are the primary factors that boosted Dallas to the top of our list for the second time in a row.

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Are U.S. Metros Facing an Oversupply of Apartments?

In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, housing construction starts took a drastic dip as builders paused to take stock of the unusual circumstances. While construction ramped back up again in the later months of 2020, the monthslong pause only served to exacerbate an existing housing shortage of both single-family and multifamily homes.